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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

66-year Ministry
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Summary of Crusades in 2006

A Year of Hope Ministry for America and Asia
Church growth continues, following Dr. Cho¢¥s pastoral philosophy

Dr. Cho¢¥s world mission work in 2006 was a year of proclaiming the gospel of hope, with an emphasis on Pentecostal spirituality. Dr. Cho¢¥s overseas crusades in 2006, organized by David Cho Evangelistic Mission (DCEM), resulted in many decisions for Christ in Japan, the United States, and in Taiwan. The year was one of aggressively spreading the Pentecostal movement around the world.
In 2006, Dr. Cho visited three countries and six cities. He preached to 100,000 people, and led about 10,000 people to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. Visiting Osaka and Tokyo in Japan, the Azusa Centennial and Dallas in the United States, and Taipei in Taiwan, Dr. Cho preached the gospel of hope with Full Gospel faith based on the truth that only Jesus can provide eternal rest for humankind.
Through Dr. Cho¢¥s overseas crusades in 2006, pastors around the world have learned more about successful ministry methods revealed to Dr. Cho by the Holy Spirit. His ministry of hope has sparked revival and encouragement to pastors worldwide.
The overseas crusades in 2006 can be summarized in two categories. The first priority was to gather the fruit of souls for the kingdom of God by proclaiming Full Gospel faith, which is affirmative, positive, creative, and productive. Second, the meetings were held to give Dr. Cho¢¥s disciples and missionaries opportunities to grow and successfully carry out their ministries. It was very encouraging to see these pastors carrying out the Holy Spirit movement and the prayer movement with the central message of hope. Their ministries keep growing year by year, even though some say that Christianity has stagnated throughout the world
Rev. Tsugumichi Ohkawa of Yamato Calvary Chapel, the largest church in Japan, Rev. Hee Kong of City Harvest Church with a growing membership of 20,000 in Singapore, Rev. Mao Song Chang and Rev. Han Ye Chang of Taiwan Pastors Association, the Assemblies of God pastors of the Pentecostal Conference of North American Keralites (PCNAK) in the United States, and Rev. Kennedy of the North Church in Dallas, Texas in the United States all express that their churches have kept growing greatly influenced by the Holy Spirit and prayer.
The DCEM overseas crusades in 2006 will be remembered as meetings giving new courage and hope to comfort weary people in their daily lives.

* March 21 : 2006 Osaka Jesus Festival

Four thousand people attended the 2006 Osaka Jesus Festival with Dr. Cho held on March 21, 2006 at the Amagasaki Cultural Center. The festival was managed by the David Cho Evangelistic Mission (DCEM) and prepared by the Japan Full Gospel Association and the Nippon Revival Association (NRA), the Korean Missionary Association (KMA), and Full Gospel Osaka Church.
The Festival was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit from the beginning and was reported as the largest gathering among Japanese protestant meetings. Four thousand people in the Amagasaki Cultural Center waved the banner of the Cross and proclaimed that Jesus is Lord in Japan.
After the Festival, Dr. Cho had dinner with 150 pastors from the Japan Full Gospel Association, the Nippon Revival Association (NRA) and the Korean Missionary Association (KMA). He encouraged them to press on toward the vision to win ten million Japanese to Jesus.
Since 1996 when the first Jesus Festival was held in Tokyo, it has been held twice a year in the center of Japan such as in Osaka and Fukuoka.


* April 28~29 : Azusa Street Centennial

The Azusa Street Centennial was a worldwide gathering of Pentecostal/Charismatic believers commemorating and celebrating the centennial anniversary of the Azusa Street revival. The centennial was held in several venues in the Los Angeles area April 25-29, 2006, including the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and Sports Arena.
The official opening of the five-day centennial started on April 25. All the nations came together in Los Angeles under the theme, "Together Again 2006", not just to celebrate, but to ask God for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Cho was invited to be one of the many speakers at the centennial. He was the main speaker for the international revival series emphasizing Asia. The meeting was held at the L.A. Convention Center on Friday evening, April 28. On Saturday, April 29, Dr. Cho was one of the speakers for the Azusa Street Centennial Assembly held at the Sports Arena.
On April 29, the final day of the centennial, Dr. Cho brought a message, "Today¢¥s Harvest: Our Greatest Challenge." He emphasized, "We are living in the era of a great harvest. Every Christian should go out and reap a harvest."
There were six major themes during the Centennial Assembly: hunger, holiness, Holy Spirit, healing, harvest, and harmony. Besides Dr. Cho, other featured speakers included: Frederick Price (Crenshaw Christian Center); Charles Blake (West Angeles Church); and Jim Reeve (Faith Community Church).


* June 6 : Yamato Calvary Chapel Church Growth Conference

Yamato Calvary Chapel (Rev. Ohkawa Tsugumichi) invited Dr. Cho to lead the Church Growth Conference for churches in Japan to work toward the goal of winning 10 million Japanese to Christ. Thirteen hundred pastors joined the conference to learn about Church Growth.
The conference was hosted and organized by Yamato Calvary Chapel and coordinated by David Cho Mission Evangelistic (DCEM). Pastors came from Kanagawa, Tokyo, Chiba, Yamanashi, Saitama, and Shizuoka to learn about church growth and the Holy Spirit movement.
The Church Growth Conference with Dr. Cho was on live television with satellite services simultaneously in over 20 daughter churches of Calvary Chapel. Rev. Ohkawa Tsugumichi said that Dr. Cho is a great man of God who planted a tent church with five members, becoming the world largest church. He is also an evangelist with a vision to win 10 million Japanese to Christ. In addition, Rev. Ohkawa stated that he hopes to see many men of God in Japan rise up like Dr. Cho, who will be filled with passion for the Gospel.


* June 30~July 1 : 24th Pentecostal Conference of North American

Dr. Cho was the main speaker for the 24th Pentecostal Conference of North American Keralites (PCNAK) in the USA. The conference for the immigrants from India was held on June 30 and July 1 in Dallas, Texas. It was hosted and organized by PCNAK and coordinated by David Cho Evangelistic Mission (DCEM). God¢¥s grace was manifested upon 12,000 Keralites gathered each day.
The immigrants from the state of Kerala in South India, (where St. Thomas evangelized), formed the Pentecostal Conference of North American Keralites (PCNAK). Their conferences have been held in ten large cities in the United States, with the first conference held in Oklahoma in 1983.
This year was the 24th conference, which turned out to be the largest gathering with 300 Keralite churches and 3,500 youth attending. With Dr. Cho as the main speaker, the conference was prepared to give thanks for the endeavors and mission work of East Indian Pentecostal church ministers, for fellowship among the North American Keralites, and to give the youth an opportunity to appreciate their Indian culture and identity.
Besides the Keralites who live in Dallas, Texas, 500 Keralites from India, New York, Oklahoma, Chicago, Canada, and Kuwait attended the 24th Pentecostal Conference of North American Keralites.

* July 2 : A Korean Crusade in Dallas

On July 2, Dr. Cho led a revival service for Korean residents in Dallas held at North Church (Church on the Rock North in Carrollton), with 3,500 Koreans and Americans in attendance. The theme was "Receive the Fullness of the Holy Spirit."
To the Korean residents in Dallas, Dr. Cho emphasized their true identity in Jesus Christ. They promised to live as light and salt in their community, recovering their identity in Jesus Christ. The meeting was organized by Full Gospel North American Council and coordinated by David Cho Evangelistic Mission (DCEM). Two thousand Korean residents and 1,500 North Church members gathered to pray and praise God.
The revival service with Dr. Cho was prepared for Korean residents in Dallas. However, many of the North Church members and other Americans were blessed to hear Dr. Cho¢¥s message with English interpretation on the screen. The service was a joyous time-overflowing with God¢¥s grace.


* September 19 : DCEM Church Growth Seminar

Dr. Cho led a seminar for ¢¥the key to church growth¢¥ and ¢¥the pastors¢¥ leadership¢¥ as main speaker of ¢¥DCEM Church Growth Seminar¢¥ held at ¢¥Japan Youth Hall¢¥ in Shinjuku Tokyo in September 19, 2006.
The DCEM Church Growth Seminar coordinated by David Cho Evangelistic Mission (DCEM) and hosted under the auspices of Nippon Revival Association (NRA), Korea Missionary Association (KMA) and Japan Full Gospel Association was well attended in number of 1,500 by Japanese pastors as well as Korean Pastors and seminary students from about 120 churches in Japan.
At the seminar prepared for the growth and revival of Japanese churches to bring 10 million Japanese to Christ. Dr. Cho preached with interpretation of Elder Shigaki, DCEM executive director. Dr. Cho emphasized, "In order to bring Japanese church growth, pastors should prepare the messages at the risk of their lives to lead people to Jesus Christ."
The five-hour DCEM Church Growth Seminar in two parts was recorded as a seminar that brought a new blueprint for the revival of Japanese Christianity.


* October 26~27 : 2006 Harvest Crusade with Dr. Cho in Taiwan

For the evangelization of Taiwan, a possible bridgehead for China missions, the 2006 Harvest Crusade with Dr. Cho was successfully held on October 26 and 27 for two consecutive days at National Taiwan University Sports Center.
In the crusade administrated by DCEM, it was recorded as the largest gathering of 350 churches from Taiwan, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. The crusade brought forth a miracle of 4,000 converts to the Lord.
With a total of 20,000 attendees during the two-day crusade, Dr. Cho preached on the subject, "Jesus Who Is Bearing Our Yoke," using Matthew 11:28-30 as his text, and about "The Power of the Gospel That Drives out Demons."
Rev. Mao Song Chang, committee chairman for the 2006 Harvest Crusade with Dr. Cho, said, "The special crusade was so fruitful in saving souls. The results can be compared to planting 100 churches in Taiwan, considering that the average church membership is 30~40 people in the churches in Taiwan. All the pastors who participated in preparing for the special crusade worked together in unity and will continue to fan the flame of the Holy Spirit in Taiwan."
Starting with the first crusade in January 21, 1980, Dr. Cho has now preached for eight crusades in Taiwan.


66-year Ministry
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Daily Bible
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

2 Thessalonians  3:16


---------------- DAILY QT (Quiet Time) --------------------

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