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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

66-year Ministry
   Photo Gallery   1958 ~ 1970   1971 ~ 1980
   1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993
   1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006

2004 Year

2004 Report on Dr. Cho's Overseas Meetings

Since David Cho Evangelistic Mission (DCEM) was established in March 2000, Dr. Cho has been preaching overseas evangelistic meetings on a full scale. Even this year he glorified God with a bountiful harvest of souls through his overseas meetings.
In 2004, Dr. Cho preached in Oceania, Central America, Asia, and in North America and fanned the fire of the Gospel in Toronto, Canada; Sydney, Australia; Honiara, Solomon islands; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Tokyo and Osaka, Japan; Hong Kong; Guatemala City, Guatemala; and in the United States of America in Honolulu, Hawaii and Los Angeles, California.
Dr. Cho's evangelistic meetings in Solomon Islands and Mongolia were greatly blessed with a total of 130,000 attendees. The Mongolia Harvest 2004 meeting held at the Central Stadium in Ulaanbaatar proclaimed the Gospel in a country of Lamaism and was considered an example of overseas missions.
Dr. Cho emphasizes the training of lay members for evangelism during his overseas meetings. At the 2004 Church Growth International conference October 28-30 held in Guatemala, 20,000 attendees including pastors and missionaries in Central and South America discussed new strategies for evangelism, church growth, and for the role of tent makers who support themselves through their profession.
During the time of the CGI conference, the Kingdom Business Forum (KBF) was held with Guatemalan President Oscar Berger, and two hundred businessmen attended. It was a time for them to make a fresh decision to spread the Gospel with some of the profits earned from their businesses.
In 2004, Dr. Cho preached messages of hope to 200,000 people in ten cities and eight countries, including Hong Kong.

* February 24 : Revival Hawaii Healing and Blessing Crusade 2004

The crusade was held for Korean residents in Hawaii at the Hawaii Convention Center. The theme of the crusade was, "Ride with the Wave of the Holy Spirit." Four thousand people attended: interdenominational Korean pastors, missionaries, church lay members, students, and residents in the United States.


* February 27~29 : Honolulu 2004 Walk On Water Conference

The Honolulu 2004 Walk on Water conference was held at Hawaii Convention Center. A total of 10,000 blessed Christians from about 500 churches and 50 denominations gathered in this two-day conference, which was hosted by Hawaiian Islands Ministries (HIM) and presented a new vision for world missions.


* March 10 : Toronto, Canada Korean Crusade

The crusade was held at Full Gospel Central Church (Rev. Lee-Sik Cho) in North York, Ontario under the joint hosts of Full Gospel Eastern Canada District and PAOC (The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada), coordinated by DCEM (David Cho Evangelistic Mission). It was a time for interdenominational Korean Christians to experience the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit.


* March 12~13 : The MissionFest Toronto 2004

The MissionFest Toronto 2004 conference was held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre March 12-13 in Toronto, Canada. The attendees experienced the wonderful miraculous working power of the Holy Spirit through the conference, which set a record-breaking MissionFest attendance of 12,000 in a two-day conference, including preachers from 200 mission bodies. Canadian Christian Broadcast-ing companies as well as other media reported on Dr. Cho's preaching at MissionFest Toronto 2004.


* April 13 : Korean Crusade in Sydney, Australia

Dr. Cho's crusade was held for Korean residents at State Sports Center, Olympic Boulevard Homebush Bay in Sydney. The love of Jesus greatly comforted their weary immigrant lives. The theme for the crusade was, "Come Holy Spirit." Ten thousand Korean residents coming from various parts of Australia joined together with the members of Sydney Full Gospel Church (Rev. Paul Woo-sung Chung) who organized the crusade.


* April 16~17 : Solomon Islands Prayer Revival Crusade

The Solomon Islands Prayer Revival Crusade was held at Lawson Tama national soccer stadium, with 70,000 people attending during the two-day crusade. The crusade was conducted by DCEM (David Cho Evangelistic Mission) and was jointly hosted by 30 churches in Solomon Islands. Dr. Cho visited Prime Minister Kemakeza in the morning on the first day of the crusade. He had a pleasant conversation with him and prayed for Solomon Islands. Three thousand people accepted Jesus as their Savior during the crusade.


* July 6 : Tokyo Protestant Church Crusade

Tokyo Protestant Church Crusade was a great success with an attendance of 4,000 people from Calvary Chapel Church, Full Gospel Tokyo Church, and neighboring churches. Dr. Cho urged the attendees, "Like Joseph's faith, though sufferings come to us, we must run the race of faith praying to God, holding onto our dreams and visions until they become reality." Rev. Ohkawa invited Dr. Cho to this crusade to celebrate the completion of a branch church of Calvary Chapel Church, which has rapidly grown as an independent church leading the Holy Spirit movement. It was also held for the ongoing purpose of winning 10 million souls in Japan.


* August 4~5 : Mongolia Harvest 2004

The Mongolia Harvest 2004 crusade was held at the Central Stadium in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and it set an amazing record attendance of 60,000 people. Through the crusade, 30,000 people accepted Jesus, and hundreds of people were healed by the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit. Through the crusades, the gospel was preached publicly in a country of Lamaism. Compared with that figure, the 30,000 saved through this crusade far exceed the results of 14 years of evangelism. Before the crusade began, Dr. Cho visited the presidential palace at the invitation of President Bagabandi.


* September 23 : 2004 Tokyo Jesus Festival

On September 23, the 2004 Tokyo Jesus Festival was held at Edogawa Culture Center for the purpose of reaching 10 million Japanese for the Lord. Three thousand Full Gospel Church members who came from all areas of Japan attended the festival hosted by DCEM (David Cho Evangelistic Mission), supported by Full Gospel Japan Association, and Full Gospel Tokyo Church. It was an event in which 70 churches in Japan were united in the Holy Spirit.
The 2004 Tokyo Jesus Festival included a three-hour cantata without a master of ceremonies or a moderator. The congregation enjoyed it with true joy and freedom and rejoiced in the Lord through the beautiful and excellent hymns and praise. Dr. Cho preached through an interpreter, executive director of DCEM, Elder Shigemasa Shigaki.


* October 28 : 2004 Kingdom Business Forum (KBF)

The 2004 Kingdom Business Forum (KBF) was held at the Quinta Real Hotel in Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala, under heavy guard and security on the morning of October 28. Rev. Harold Caballeros, senior pastor of El Shaddai Church in Guatemala City, presided over the KBF, and about 200 businessmen from Central and South America came to listen to Dr. Cho. President Oscar Berger and his son Juan Esteban Berger, a businessman, also attended the KBF, which showed how much the Guatemalan government and people were interested in the forum.
The 2004 Kingdom Business Forum was held in Guatemala for the first time. Therefore, much interest was focused on it. Since the KBF was held for the first time in the United States in 2002 for the purpose of spreading the Gospel by extending God's kingdom through business, this forum has become a typical Christian business meeting. The 2004 KBF was held this year to glorify God through the profits earned by businessmen who applied the Word of God as the principles for their business management.


* October 28~31 : 2004 Church Growth International Conference

The 2004 Church Growth International conference was held at El Shaddai Church for four days beginning October 28. Twenty thousand participants attended the conference and made it successful, including pastors, missionaries, and Bible college students from Central and South America. Many church leaders from Mexico, Brazil, and the U.S.A. attended the CGI conference, and they discussed church planting, leadership training, social welfare work, and lay mission work. There were workshops on the role of the church, the importance of prayer, spiritual welfare, evangelism, leadership, intercessory prayer, and cell growth.


* December 9 : 2004 Osaka Jesus Festival

The 2004 Osaka Jesus Festival held at Creo Osaka Central Public Hall in the center of Osaka City, an economic powerhouse in Japan, was greatly blessed. The festival that was hosted by DCEM (David Cho Evangelistic Mission) and supported by the Japanese Full Gospel Association, NRA (National Revival Association), Gospel Mission Cooperation, and Osaka Full Gospel Church was attended by a large number of Christians who came from all areas of Japan. People gave glory to God through prayer and praise.
Three thousand people gathered in the venue for the 2004 Osaka Jesus Festival. It was recorded as the biggest rally in the Kansai region of Japan. The 2004 Osaka Jesus Festival was filled with the spirit of prayer, more so than any previous meetings held in Japan. The attending Japanese Christians received a new vision for world missions through the intercessory prayer time for spiritual leadership in Japan, for the 2005 DCEM ministry, and for Dr. Cho's overseas crusades.' The Osaka Jesus Festival offered an opportunity for them to reflect once again on the ministry for reaching 10 million Japanese for Jesus during 2004 and was a powerful motive in strengthening the unity among the churches in the Kansai region.


66-year Ministry
   Photo Gallery   1958 ~ 1970   1971 ~ 1980
   1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993
   1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006

Daily Bible
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

2 Thessalonians  3:16


---------------- DAILY QT (Quiet Time) --------------------

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Through the Bible, you will receive great and mighty messages you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).
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