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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

66-year Ministry
   Photo Gallery   1958 ~ 1970   1971 ~ 1980
   1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993
   1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006

2000 Year

On March 28, 2001, Dr. Cho launched the DAVID CHO EVANGELISTIC MISSION. During the past 30 years, he has traveled around the world spreading the Gospel. During the past, all the crusade preparation was made by those who invited him to speak. In this new millennium, however, the Holy Spirit has impressed on Dr. Cho that he needs to take a more active role in his evangelistic ministry in Korea and overseas.
DCEM was founded for the purpose to actively work with local churches and the spiritual leaders of the world for successful evangelistic meetings and to establish a network with various mission groups and associations around the world to participate in comprehensive, evangelistic strategies in reaching the world for Christ.

* April 17~18 : Myanmar Crusade

Dr. Cho visited the Buddhist country of Myanmar to preach the Gospel at Rev. Chit's church, Evangel Church. Rev. Chit is the general superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Myanmar. Five thousand people attended the meetings. Dr. Cho spoke at a reception for church leaders, he also visited a military hospital and donated 431 pieces of medical equipment and an ambulance to General Myo Thein who was in charge of the hospital. It was unprecedented in a Buddhist country for the Government to permit the crusade. The church leaders who attended the crusade said, "The crusade spiritually awakened the sleeping Christians. The Pentecostal work of the Holy Spirit will happen strongly."


* April 19~21 : Dr. Cho's Crusade invitation to Singapore

During the three-day crusade, a total of 50,000 people attended the crusade in the national gymnasium in Singapore, which has a seating capacity of 13,000 people. Each night, around 5,000 people who could not enter the venue had to go back home because there was no room for them. During the three nights of meetings, about 2,000 people were saved and received miraculous healings, including a patient in a wheelchair who was able to stand up.


* May 10~13 : Leadership 2000 Conference in Sydney at Christian
*********** City Church

The Leadership 2000 Conference was hosted by Christian City Church (Senior Pastor Dr. Phil Pringle) located in Oxford Falls, on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia. It became an important change for the Australian continent, which caused to rise with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Cho explained the history about the growth of Yoido Full Gospel Church and about the importance of the Holy Spirit movement, giving testimonies and challenging the congregation. It created great praise to the Lord and vision among the pastors and leaders, who gave Dr. Cho standing ovation.


* June 14~16 : Zambia Crusade

Approximately 20,000 people attended the three-day Zambia crusade held at the Showground and the Mulungushi International Conference Center in the nation's capital of Lusaka. Dr. Cho led this crusade at the invitation of Zambian President Chiluba. Through the crusade, around 5,000 people accepted Jesus as their Savior and more than 100 people were healed by the amazing grace of the Holy Spirit, including the hearing of an old deaf man. President Chiluba attended the crusade on July 16 and listened to Dr. Cho preach. The President proclaimed Zambia to be a Christian nation in 1991 after he was elected president. Elder Park Hae-Suk was appointed as Honor Consul-General at Zambia, who was one of Dr. Cho's delegation for the Zambia crusade. He was also the president of Yoido Full Gospel Church Businessmen's Mission Federation at that time.


* June 19~21 : Gabon Crusade

"LIBREVILLE 2000" was held at Bongo Stadium in Libreville, Gabon for three days.
About 150,000 People as well as 2,000 Church leaders attended. About 10,000 People accepted Jesus as their Savior, about 200 People experienced divine healing.

* August 5~12 : The Third Triennial World Assemblies of God
************ Congress & 2000 Celebration Meetings in
************ Indianapolis, Indiana

August 7~8, the Third Triennial World Assemblies of God Congress, planned by the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF), was held in the Hyatt Regency Hotel. August 8~10 the 2000 Celebration, planned by the American Assemblies of God, was held in the RCA Dome and Indiana Convention Center.
Dr. David Cho, chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF), led the Executive Committee meeting as well as the General Assembly represented by the 113 members of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship.
Dr. Thomas E. Trask, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God in America was elected the new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, to follow Dr. Cho.
Assemblies of God leaders and delegations from 158 countries joined more than 900 missionaries in a Parade of Nations to open the 2000 Celebration meetings on Tuesday night. Some 30,000 people gathered in the RCA Dome for the worldwide gathering. The RCA Dome was filled with the fervent prayer and spiritual zeal of the participants who were inspired by Dr. Cho's message anointed by the Holy Spirit.
When Dr. Cho spoke for the Wednesday morning world prayer meeting, he spoke about two types of prayer. He said that fellowship prayer is necessary to communicate with God in covering a variety of topics. But he focused mostly on task prayer explaining that it consisted of three elements: a clear-cut objective; focusing on the goals; and patience. He especially emphasized the need for patience in prayer.


* September 25~30 : Impact 2000 in Gold Coast, Australia

Gold Coast. SURFCITY Christian Church in Gold Coast, along with 100 other churches, united to hold the IMPACT 2000 rally. Dr. Cho was invited as the main speaker. The Holy Spirit inspired the Australian Church, giving them a new spiritual challenge.
Dr. Cho preached six messages during the crusade. In his messages, he emphasized the secrets of church growth, the importance of prayer, the power of prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, and a Christian's new identity. He also stressed that only Jesus can solve the intrinsic problems of human beings.
The Abundant Fellowship Church was the venue for the event with a seating capacity of 2,500. The venue was packed everyday during the crusade.
Meanwhile, on September 28 Dr. Cho attended a reception sponsored by the mayor of Gold Coast, Gary Baildon. The Gold Coast Prayer Day took place on September 30 at the Carrara Basketball Stadium. Gold Coast Mayor Gary Baildon, as well as 100 church leaders began Prayer Day with the people, declaring that Gold Coast should have a new, morally sound spiritual awakening. On October 1 (Sunday), Dr. Cho led a Korean crusade at Garden City Church in Brisbane.


* October 10~13 : The 18th Annual CGI Conference in Yokohama &
************** 22nd Anniversary of Tokyo Full Gospel Church

The 22nd anniversary service of the founding of Tokyo Full Gospel Church was held in Tokyo in the afternoon of October 10, just before the 18th annual Church Growth International conference was held in Yokohama October 11-13. World church leaders including 200 CGI members from 24 countries, Japanese pastors, and 3,000 lay Christians gathered to exchange information regarding church growth and prayed fervently for the evangelism of Japan and for the expansion movement of the Holy Spirit. They also made a decision to do their best to expand the movement of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of ten million Japanese. Dr. Cho emphasized the need to reactivate the movement to reach ten million Japanese for Jesus. He stated, "No matter how rich human beings may be economically, it has nothing to do with skin color. Only Jesus can save us from spiritual suffering and all disease." He also clarified, "I will support the evangelism of Japanese by choosing 12 big cities in Japan as strategic bases for missions, church planting, and hosting revival meetings.


* November 23 : The Nagoya Jesus Festival 2000

Dr. Cho led two services in Nagoya. The first one, "Jesus Festival 2000 was held at the Nagoya International Convention Center on November 23, and the second one was a dedication service at the Full Gospel Nagoya Church. Five thousand people participated in Jesus Festival 2000. He preached about our basic needs in life such as joy, blessings, and happiness. Dr. Cho clearly proclaimed that no matter how difficult life may be, we must follow the Lord's will and God will help us overcome evil with good, pass from death to life, change despair into hope, and transform sorrow into joy. Japanese ministers also attended the crusade, showing their interest in the festival.

* November 24 : The Dedication Service at Full Gospel Nagoya
************  Church

Dr. Cho used similes of the true vine from John 15. He said that any work we try to do for Christ cannot be accomplished apart from the true vine. Branches must be attached to the vine for their flowers to blossom and to bear fruit. Dr. Cho said that believers must do five things to be firmly attached to the true vine.

66-year Ministry
   Photo Gallery   1958 ~ 1970   1971 ~ 1980
   1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    1990    1991    1992    1993
   1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006

Daily Bible
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

2 Thessalonians  3:16


---------------- DAILY QT (Quiet Time) --------------------

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Tel. (82-2)783-9910 / Fax. (82-2) 761-9156