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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

Honolulu, the capital city of the state of Hawaii, is a harbor city at the southern end of Oahu Island, the third largest island among the eight major islands in the state of Hawaii. The area is smaller than Jeju Island in South Korea, yet it is the most populated among the eight islands of the Hawaii. Downtown Honolulu contains all Oahu's state and federal government buildings, including the state capitol and Iolani Palace, once home to Hawaii's last few monarchs and still the only royal palace in the USA. Just southeast of Waikiki, 760ft (230m) Diamond Head rises up as the city's favorite geological landmark. All of these sites are within the boundaries of greater Honolulu.

A refreshing breeze ~ ideal weather for the conference
On February 23 at 9 o'clock in the morning, Dr. Cho arrived at the Honolulu Airport on the Island of Oahu, welcomed by the Koreans in Hawaii. A refreshing breeze blew during the conference in Honolulu where it was hot and humid almost every day. It refreshed people who wanted to attend the conference and made them feel good. Dr. Cho explained about the grace and love of Jesus and forgiveness, and exhorted the audience to be faithful in stewardship. The conference recorded the biggest conference historically in Hawaii. When the news about Dr. Cho's coming spread across the islands, non-Christians attended the conference in twos and threes. They listened to the Gospel, and repented and accepted Jesus as their Savior.

A girl with an oxygen breathing apparatus at Oahu Full Gospel Church
After the Korean conference finished, Honolulu still seemed to be in an atmosphere of the Holy Spirit. When the Christians who had attended the conference heard that Dr. Cho would visit Oahu Full Gospel Church on January 26, they gathered at the Oahu Full Gospel Church. What caught public attention was a girl in a wheelchair with an oxygen breathing apparatus among the crowd of people at the church. A little while after the service began, the girl presented to the church with her mother wanted to receive Dr. Cho's prayer. She returned to her home in confidence of God's healing after receiving Dr. Cho's prayer and the intercessory prayers of the Christians at the church. With a smiling face, she decided to pray more eagerly and to be healthy like God wants her to be in her future.

A Sunday service at the invitation of Dr. & Mrs. Marocco who are pastors
Dr. Cho attended a Sunday service at the invitation of Dr. James Marocco who is a board member of CGI. They became acquainted with each other through CGI conferences. Rev. Colleen Marocco is ministering in the King's Cathedral and its chapels with her husband, Dr. James Marocco who is senior pastor.
In the Sunday message, Dr. Cho challenged the congregation, "If you welcome, accept, and depend upon the Holy Spirit and pray, your dream and vision will surely be accomplished." He emphasized, "Today, the reason for the growth of Yoido Full Gospel Church was because of tenacious prayer without giving up dreams that the Lord put in our hearts."

The work of the Holy Spirit after the conference was finished
After the Hawaii conference for January 24~28 was finished, unbelievable things continued to happen in Honolulu, Hawaii. According to Rev. Jang-gyun Lee who is the senior pastor of Oahu Full Gospel Church, their faith has been strong and the work of healing of the Holy Spirit continued after the Korean conference finished. A young man experienced the work of healing from gastritis after he watched Dr. Cho preach through VOD. Another one of the Oahu Full Gospel Church testified about his healing from asthma. The local pastors who attended "Honolulu 2004 Walk on the Water" conference reported that there were so many testimonies from their church family who attended the conference.

Daily Bible
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

2 Thessalonians  3:16


---------------- DAILY QT (Quiet Time) --------------------

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Through the Bible, you will receive great and mighty messages you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).
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