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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

Spiritual Renewal Conference 2001 in Los Angeles

Prayer is the only way to survive!

Rev. Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in the USA came to see Dr. Cho who was visiting Los Angeles for the Spiritual Renewal Conference 2001 at Sarang Community Church in Los Angeles (Rev. Jung Hyun Oh). While Dr. Cho was talking to him, he urged the churches in the USA to pray. Dr. Cho emphasized prayer for the survival of the churches in the USA. He further said that leaders should listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and find out the methods of drawing young people into the Church, such as using the Internet.

Refreshing impact lingers
The Los Angeles Sarang Community Church has had new thoughts about the anointing of the Holy Spirit after Dr. Cho¡¯s Spiritual Renewal Conference 2001. The saints who were brought up in traditional Presbyterianism may have been unfamiliar with the work of the Holy Spirit. But Dr. Cho preached about the Holy Siprit, so that the saints still can feel the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, even though some time has passed since then.
After the conference the members of the church have begun praying for the sick first before starting their upper room meeting. The believers observed the miracles of the sick being healed and saw the work of the Holy Spirit when Dr. Cho prayed for them. Dr. Cho clearly stated that we can be aware of healing generally about two weeks later, although miracles sometimes immediately appear as soon as people are prayed for.

Amazing encounter
The second day there were more miracles of healing. Dr. Cho told the story about a university student, Yoo Jung Na. She was hopelessly dying with a brain tumor last year in the USA. She returned to Korea for treatment and was admitted to a hospital. She had been in the bed next to Pastor Bong Jun Kim of Yoido Full Gospel Church. Pastor Kim had a brain hemorrhage and was on the verge of death. Dr. Cho prayed for Pastor Kim and at her mother¡¯s earnest request, Dr. Cho prayed for Yoo Jung Na, too. After that, she fully recovered. She attended Dr. Cho¡¯s Los Angeles conference in good health. Her mother gave testimony about her healing. Until then, Dr. Cho did not know whether she was healed or not.

Come together even though at the moment
The 19th Pentecostal World Conference (PWC) was attended by 80 countries and representatives of 50 associations. Leaders with influence, including Dr. Abraham Alex Tanuseputra who built the biggest church building in the world, gathered together. Most of these attended the evening meetings at Crenshaw Christian Center Faith Dome. There were warm handshakes and smiles of leaders who hadn¡¯t seen each other for a long time. Dr. Cho had a very busy and enjoyable time greeting leaders who came from all over the world, taking photos together.

Daily Bible
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

2 Thessalonians  3:16


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